I believe its finally time for an update!
Not a whole lot of exciting things have happened in the past month.
I can't remember if I posted this or not, but I was put on bed rest at 35 weeks of my pregnancy.
My body has decided to be an overachiever and the doctor has even told me that my body is acting like its on its second or third child.
At 35 weeks I was dilated to a 3 and Haileys head was significantly lower than most babies at that stage in my pregnancy.
The next week, I was still at a 3 and she had moved down just a little more.
Finally I had made it to 37 weeks, but I ended up getting sick and dehydrated again sending me to the hospital to get me back on some IV fluids.
At that point (it was last Saturday) I was checked and dilated to 3.75 and 85% effaced.
I went to my doctors appointment on Monday and had been dilated to a 4.
That appointment was particularly upsetting.
The previous week the doctor had told me that if I went in and I was dilated to a 4 or a 5 then they would send me over to the hospital and get me on a pitocin drip.
(4 or 5 is considered active labor)
I went in to the appointment, got checked, was told I was 4, then the doctor followed that by saying that he'd like to try to keep her in there another week.
The worst thing a doctor can do is give a pregnant woman false hope.
I was so sad when I left.
There I was, expecting to be able to have my baby at the beginning of the week if I had dilated more, then finding out I had dilated more, then leaving with the heavy heart of knowing I wouldn't be holding my baby that day.
I moped around most of the day.
Then I went for a walk and my husband took me out to dinner :)
I started having lots of contractions around 6:30 and they were continuous and steady for 5 hours.
I called the hospital and asked what they thought I should do.
In our prenatal classes we learned that to distinguish if its real labor or not then you need to do something opposite of what you're doing.
If you're walking around, sit or lie down. If youre sitting or lying down, walk around.
Well I had been fluctuating between the two and my contractions stayed tried and true.
I ended up going into the hospital that night to get checked out.
Well... As soon as I sat down on the bed, my contractions slowed down.
Talk about depressing.
Anyway, I was checked again and was dilated to 4 and 90% effaced.
Why in the world is this baby not coming yet!?
Today I am officially 38 weeks and I've come to the conclusion that no matter how ready my body is to have this baby, she's not coming for another two weeks.
My doctor needs to stop saying that he expects her to come at any time.
All doctors need to stop saying this to pregnant women.
It crushes them when it turns out to be false.
My cousins water broke today (shes due a week before me) and I'm so excited to hear that she's going to get to hold her little man soon!
I'm jealous though because she was only dilated to a 1.5 and has been for the past 3 weeks.
My sisters brother in law and his wife had their baby a week and a half ago. Her water broke when she was only dilated to a 1 (she was also a week before her due date)
I don't know why my body is tormenting me like this, but I hope it gives in and helps get my little girl here sooner.
My next doctor appointment is on Monday and I'm really going in with no expectations or hopes.
I wish she would come, but I doubt I'll be so lucky.
I'm expecting it to take the 2 weeks (give or take a few days) until my due date.
She's stubborn like her parents.
All I can say is that I'm excited to meet my little girl and I can wait another 2 or 3 weeks, just as long as it means she's healthy and doing well.

The amazingly cute baby shower invite my sister made :)
I hope to see you there!
Not a whole lot of exciting things have happened in the past month.
I can't remember if I posted this or not, but I was put on bed rest at 35 weeks of my pregnancy.
My body has decided to be an overachiever and the doctor has even told me that my body is acting like its on its second or third child.
At 35 weeks I was dilated to a 3 and Haileys head was significantly lower than most babies at that stage in my pregnancy.
The next week, I was still at a 3 and she had moved down just a little more.
Finally I had made it to 37 weeks, but I ended up getting sick and dehydrated again sending me to the hospital to get me back on some IV fluids.
At that point (it was last Saturday) I was checked and dilated to 3.75 and 85% effaced.
I went to my doctors appointment on Monday and had been dilated to a 4.
That appointment was particularly upsetting.
The previous week the doctor had told me that if I went in and I was dilated to a 4 or a 5 then they would send me over to the hospital and get me on a pitocin drip.
(4 or 5 is considered active labor)
I went in to the appointment, got checked, was told I was 4, then the doctor followed that by saying that he'd like to try to keep her in there another week.
The worst thing a doctor can do is give a pregnant woman false hope.
I was so sad when I left.
There I was, expecting to be able to have my baby at the beginning of the week if I had dilated more, then finding out I had dilated more, then leaving with the heavy heart of knowing I wouldn't be holding my baby that day.
I moped around most of the day.
Then I went for a walk and my husband took me out to dinner :)
I started having lots of contractions around 6:30 and they were continuous and steady for 5 hours.
I called the hospital and asked what they thought I should do.
In our prenatal classes we learned that to distinguish if its real labor or not then you need to do something opposite of what you're doing.
If you're walking around, sit or lie down. If youre sitting or lying down, walk around.
Well I had been fluctuating between the two and my contractions stayed tried and true.
I ended up going into the hospital that night to get checked out.
Well... As soon as I sat down on the bed, my contractions slowed down.
Talk about depressing.
Anyway, I was checked again and was dilated to 4 and 90% effaced.
Why in the world is this baby not coming yet!?
Today I am officially 38 weeks and I've come to the conclusion that no matter how ready my body is to have this baby, she's not coming for another two weeks.
My doctor needs to stop saying that he expects her to come at any time.
All doctors need to stop saying this to pregnant women.
It crushes them when it turns out to be false.
My cousins water broke today (shes due a week before me) and I'm so excited to hear that she's going to get to hold her little man soon!
I'm jealous though because she was only dilated to a 1.5 and has been for the past 3 weeks.
My sisters brother in law and his wife had their baby a week and a half ago. Her water broke when she was only dilated to a 1 (she was also a week before her due date)
I don't know why my body is tormenting me like this, but I hope it gives in and helps get my little girl here sooner.
My next doctor appointment is on Monday and I'm really going in with no expectations or hopes.
I wish she would come, but I doubt I'll be so lucky.
I'm expecting it to take the 2 weeks (give or take a few days) until my due date.
She's stubborn like her parents.
All I can say is that I'm excited to meet my little girl and I can wait another 2 or 3 weeks, just as long as it means she's healthy and doing well.

The amazingly cute baby shower invite my sister made :)
I hope to see you there!
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