It is definitely time for an update!
Hailey was around 2 months old after my last post.
There are a few things that are new in our lives.
And theres a lot thats not.
Can you believe that it's already Christmas Eve!?
In just over a week it will be 2014.
So. What's going on with us?
Let's start with Hailey.
I am so impressed with my daughter.
Every day she is learning something new and teaching me something new.
She has such an amazing personality and she's most definitely my little light.
She says so many words I can't even count.
Here's a few:
Hi, hello, mama, papa, mommy, daddy, yes, yeah, no, juice, cheese, bite, bye bye, I, love, you, fishy, kitty, puppy, ray, coco, jenny, jon, matt, row row, tia, carl, jakob, natalie, alexis, please, thank you, oh, can, have, eye, nose, feet, shoes, socks, night night, paci, more, one, two, three, book, baby, go, ready, set, car, choo choo, train, toy, and many many more!
Plus she'll mimic anything that is said to her.
She's also been able to say a prayer for about a month and a half now :)
She's slept all the way through the night since she was 3 months old and in her own bed from birth.
At 10 months she moved to a crib in her own bedroom.
And then 11 months she moved into her toddler bed and slept all the way through the night her first time :)
She has truly been a blessing on my sleeping schedule!
She most definitely gets her love of sleep from me.
She started crawling just after 6 months.
Her first official steps were at 11 months.
She learned to say hi and wave that same day as well.
She currently has 10 teeth, the top middle 4 and 2 molars, her bottom middle 2, and 2 bottom molars.
She takes teething like a champ!
I never even knew when she was getting teeth.
She was a little late with her teeth, her first one was around 8 months I think, but 5 more came quickly after.
Hailey is crazy cute.
She is so fun, so cute, so loveable, so funny, and she always keeps me smiling :)
She started her "terrible twos" around a year and 2 months.
But she's still pretty awesome.
She goes to nursery now as well!
The first Sunday leaving her was hard and she still cries when I leave and needs to be held during, but she's doing much better now.
And I think that just about sums it up for Hailey right now!
As for Scotty:
He promoted to an Assistant Manager at walmart.
That brought us to Rexburg, ID.
We've lived here since February and we'll probably be here for another year.
He switched his rotation from days to nights and that sucks for me, but Scotty loves the work and the people.
He had his birthday in July and he turned 26.
What an old man!
Scotty found an awesome hobby these past couple of months as well.
It's a pretty cool hobby and he's made a few knives out of railroad spikes already.
When we get a house and get settled down he'll be able to make a larger forge in a better ventilated space.
Until then he'll just do his forging on and off when he gets the time :)
He also enjoys long walks on the beach while watching the sunset and sipping a Mountain Dew.
As for me:
Hm. Where to start.
Well first and foremost, I'm done with school!
I graduated July 2013 in general studies.
I would have preferred to have a major, but I was just going though the motions of school trying to juggle homework and time with Hailey.
Now I'm just a modern day homemaker :)
It really is fun though and definitely rewarding.
I love to craft.
I'm not always amazing at it, but I'm definitely good at what I do.
One day I'm hoping to get enough energy to make a lot of things so I can start selling them and help contribute to the income.
Selling crafts and continuing to be a stay at home mom is something I'm going to working on for the foreseeable future.
I really am lucky to have such an amazing husband that is willing and able to support his family.
Believe it or not, that's about it for me.
A lot definitely has changed in the past year and a half, but there's still a lot that's stayed the same.
Overall, my family is awesome!
I'm hoping to update this once a month, but who knows, maybe I'll become ambitious enough to update once a week!
Thanks for reading and I hope that you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
nice to hear or should I say read what's going on with you all. If it wasn't for FB I wouldn't know anything regarding my newphew & niece's. love to all Aunt Char