Friday, August 15, 2014

A Much Needed Update on Our Little Family

I started to write a post last night thinking that the last time I had written was when Hailey was about 2 months old, but apparently I was wrong! 
I was reading through the post and it was written December 2013.
Knowing that it's still been a long time, I'm going to just give an update on the Van Lear clan with the things most important to us now and in the last year.

Anyway.. Here we are now! 
It is August 2014.
Its crazy to think about all of the things that we've been through in the last 3 1/2 years of our marriage, but it also still feels like such a short amount of time together.
And of course, in the scheme of things, it really is a short amount of time.
SO let me break this down into the important catergories: Scotty, Scotty's job, the upcoming move, me, my pregnancy, and Hailey.

Scotty: Like I said in the last post Scotty found a new hobby. 
He loves to forge! 
I was actually surprised when he picked up this hobby because it was so random, but I've really been impressed with the things that he's done.
And I love seeing him so excited and passionate about it as well! 
Its definitely not a cheap hobby, but it's fun to see him search for things at thrift stores, pawn shops, and anywhere else he can find a good deal. 
Its definitley not my favorite thing because I'd rather him spending time with me on his days off and not out in the shed...
But I love that he loves it so much :) 
He's really looking forward to hunting this year especially where we'll be closer to family again because that will give him a better chance at getting something! 
Other than hunting and forging Scotty mainly just spends time with Hailey and I.
It's nice to know I married a good man that loves his family.

Scotty's Job: Scotty has been at the Rexburg Walmart for a year and a half now.
Although there are ups and downs in every job he has really seemed to love the work that he's doing.
Not to mention, he is a good boss. 
I've never worked with Scotty so I don't know how he is at work, but I'm impressed with the amount of people that respect him and are willing to let him lead.
He has made some good friendships at this store so it will be hard to go, but it's definitely going to be for the best and we'll love the change.

The Upcoming Move: After being in Rexburg we've been trying to find a store closer to family and we're excited that this move will bring us close to my family and 3 hours closer to his. 
The only downfall of the move (besides the actual moving part) is definitely going to be the fact that Hailey and I will be moving in 2 weeks at the end of the month and Scotty won't be done with work in the Rexburg store until September 20th.
For convenience of getting people to rent the apartment we're in and the conveinece of being able to have my family help us move before harvest starts we need to move by the end of the month. 
We are lucky enough to have awesome friends that are willing to take Scotty in for the next couple of weeks.
It's going to be pretty weird not having my husband around, but it'll be okay :)

Me:  As for me, I graduated July 2013 with an Associates in general studies. 
I felt like I was trying to juggle being a mom with my schoolwork because I had been taking a full credit course load of classes even after I had Hailey. 
I went through so many majors trying to find out what I wanted to get a degree in and I felt like I was just wasting my time and money taking random and pointless classes. 
So I made the best decision for me and Hailey and I graduated with the many many credits I had accumulated. 
I still have the desire to learn and I'd love to take a few random classes here and there because I want to pursue an education, but I don't care about the degree anymore.
I absolutely love being a mother.
I always knew that I wanted to be a stay at home mom and I have not regretted that decision once. 
I'm so grateful to have a husband that loves his family and is able and willing to make that possible for us. 
My favorite hobbies right now are crafting and baking.
Baking is going to be the death of my kitchen I swear! 
My favorite thing to do is bake right after I clean the kitchen..
It's pretty counterproductive.
I also love crafting.
I like to sew, paint, crochet, recycle and repurpose. 
I'm really not that great at it, but I love to do it.
Right now I'm on a Star Wars kick :)
I repurposed a lamp with a Star Wars lamp shade and a nursery glider with matching Star Wars fabric.
We decided that a Star Wars theme would be awesome for our little girls! 
Scotty was pretty happy about that one.
I looked up some crochet Star Wars dolls as well and so far I have Leia and Yoda done. 
I'm going to work on a few Star Wars wall decorations, but soon I'll have a little bit of everything to decorate their room with. 

My pregnancy: Everything is going great with this pregnancy! 
I'm so excited to be having another little girl.
Back before we knew the gender I kept having dreams of Hailey with a little sister, but I never knew if that was just because I had experience with a little girl and I was dreaming from experience or if it was some sort of mothers intuition.
I thought for sure I was having a little girl and then a few days before I thought maybe it could be a boy. 
Everything about this pregnancy was so different from Haileys! 
With Hailey I had horrible nausea, horrible heartburn, I carried her high, her heartbeat was high, Hailey loved to kick me whenever I would push or apply pressure, and I had a lot of energy throughout the pregnancy.
With this pregnancy my nausea comes occasionally, I rarely get heartburn, this baby is being carried so low, her heartbeat is at least 20 bpm lower, this little girl always likes to shy away whenever pressure is applied, and I always feel so lethargic.
Once I took all of that into account I started to question whether or not I could be having a little boy.
I was happy to find out we were going to have healthy little girl! 
Other than being lethargic all the time my pregnancy is great and we're both doing well.
I'm almost 22 weeks along and we're so anxious to welcome our little girl into the world this December. 

And lastly Hailey: Hailey is doing so well! 
I love seeing the progress that she makes every day.
She is always so social and she loves to sing.
Every night after I put her in bed I can hear her singing in her bed.
I think she likes to sing her stuffed animals to sleep.
She is also currently obsessed with stuffed animals and sleeps with hoards of them on her bed. 
She really only cares about about 7 of them though: Mickey, Minnie, monkey, other monkey, puppy, baby puppy, and glow worm :)
Shes pretty adorable. 
She loves to play with her toys.
She loves watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates and anything Mickey Mouse.
She's been saying sentences much more lately and I love to hear her try to piece things together and make sense of everything.
My favorite thing is when she says 'I love you mommy' before I say it first because it feels like it means just a little more when the original thought comes directly from her.
She is growing so big!
Although shes a stinker pretty often, we love her so much.
Shes going to be an amazing big sister as well.

Anyway thats about it for our family!
A lot of things are new and a lot of things are the same, but just slowly progressing like everything does with time.
Hopefully the next time I sit down to write a blog post it won't be 2015 yet :)   

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